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About Us
The Emmanuel Ivorgba Center is a nonprofit organization, with Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty and hunger, inequality and injustice through investments in education, health, and capacity development. Our programs include economic empowerment and livelihood development, social protection and basic services, workshops, mentoring, and capacity building activities that help women and young people develop leadership skills and become agents of positive change in their communities. Our approach centers on collaboration, compassion, and accountability, working alongside individuals and communities to build a just and sustainable future where everyone can thrive. Together, we envision a world free from hunger and inequality, where every voice is heard and valued. The Emmanuel Ivorgba Center has a team of dedicated staff, made up of women and men, and local volunteers, with more than 40 years combined experience in education, academic research, women empowerment and gender issues, livelihood skills development, governance, advocacy grassroots community engagement and youth capacity development.
A world where every human being has access to quality education and healthcare, and where poverty and hunger are a thing of the past, where strife no longer exists and where the smiles of humanity shine brighter than the sun.
Our mission is to combat hunger, poverty, inequalities, and social injustice through comprehensive, community-driven solutions. We are dedicated to empowering marginalized populations and advocating for systemic change that promotes equity and inclusion.
17 Projects
Implemented in 120
Communities in 8 Years
11,500 Beneficiaries
Youth and Women supported
through projects implemented
6,500 Students
Received Educational Support,
including textbooks & Uniforms
19 Partnerships
19 Global and Local Partnerships established
Our Programs
Our programs, at The Emmanuel Ivorgba Center, are designed to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to create positive change in their communities. We work with local partners to deliver education and training programs that are tailored to the specific needs of each community.
We also conduct rigorous research, analyze data, and generate knowledge to deepen the understanding of poverty dynamics, identify root causes, and inform evidence-based policies and interventions. Through our research, we seek to contribute to the global knowledge base on poverty eradication and share actionable insights with policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders.
Get Involved
The Emmanuel Ivorgba Center envisions a world where poverty and hunger are not just alleviated through temporary measures, but where the underlying structural causes are addressed, ensuring sustainable and lasting impacts. Our work extends beyond the eradication of poverty and hunger to the promotion of sustainable development, where economic growth is inclusive, environmental resources are preserved, and social well-being is prioritized.
​We believe that everyone can make a difference. There are many ways to get involved with The Emmanuel Ivorgba Center and support our mission. You can volunteer your time, make a donation, or become a partner. Together, we can break the cycle of poverty and hunger and create a better world for all.